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Getting Started

Luanoids are an alternative to Roblox Humanoids originally written by LPGhatguy as a 2018 Hack Week project.


Luanoid can be installed with Wally by adding it to the [dependencies] section of your wally.toml file.

name = "your_name/your_project"
version = "0.1.0"
registry = ""
realm = "shared"

Luanoid = "raphtalia/luanoid@^1"


The example below it will create a Luanoid character and have it walk somewhere.

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local Luanoid = require(ReplicatedStorage.Packages.Luanoid)

-- L15 is used to abbreviate Luanoid R15
local l15 =
l15.Character.Parent = workspace

l15:ApplyDescription(Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(72938051), Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15)

-- MoveTo() returns a Promise
if l15:MoveTo(, 0, 32)):expect() then
print("reached target! :D")
print("failed to reach target :(")

In the top-level examples directory there are binaries and source-code for for examples with server-side characters which is the same behavior as normal Roblox characters. Then there is an example of client-side characters where on the server each character is represented only as a HumanoidRootPart and the client applies the rig and cosmetics. The source-code is reliant on a character model that cannot be synced with Rojo so for quick access you can download the binaries, or download the character model from the assets directory and place it in ReplicatedStorage.


  • โœ… - Fully supported
  • โš ๏ธ - Partially supported
  • ๐Ÿ”œ - Not yet supported
  • โŒ - Will not be supported
Packagesโš ๏ธAnthro packages will not be skinned properly work due to the lack of a Humanoid
Clothingโš ๏ธSee Clothing Support
Climbing๐Ÿ”œImplementation will likely require climbable Instances to have a "Climbable" tag
Custom CharacterStates๐Ÿ”œEasier for developers to use their own CharacterStates
ToolsโŒAt most support for equipping/dequipping tools may be added, any further support would be difficult due to lack of support with non-humanoid characters